There were many Jedi in Star Wars.
You can't explore the Jedi Temple in the Xbox version. That's available only in the Wii and PS2 versions
Nope. There are no Jawa Jedi Knights in Star Wars
Star wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy costs atleast 100$ when i bought it.
you have to purchase it off the playstation store for $10 or buy star wars the force unleashed ultimate sith edition
Star Wars | The Last Jedi opened December 15th 2017.
the sith theme song
Countless Jedi are in Star Wars
To navigate through the training temple in Star Wars Jedi Knight 2, you need to solve puzzles, overcome obstacles, and use your Jedi abilities to progress. Follow the guidance provided in the game, practice your lightsaber combat skills, and use the Force to manipulate objects as needed. Keep exploring and experimenting until you find your way through the temple.
Star Wars IV: a New Hope comes before Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi.
No it is not.
you can be jedi or sith