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Q: What console is the game last of us on?
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The Saturn console. (btw the final console was Dreamcast)

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maybe if it is for wii try it.

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Both the game and the console have to be from the same region to be compatible.

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No, the 3DS is region locked, a US game will not work on a European console.

Can you take cheats of Avatar the Last Airbender the burning earth?

The only way to turn off the cheats is to either turn off the game console or exit the game entirely by going to the console's main menu

Is the last of us on xbox?

'The Last of Us' is a ps3 exclusive game.

What is the plural of game console?

The plural of game console is game consoles. As in "I have several game consoles at home".

What game console are made in japan?

Hi! actually in our days NO and when i say NO i mean NO game console is made in japan!! everything is made in China! because of the high cost of manufacturing in Japan..Game consoles udes to be made in Japan a decade ago..with the last console to be made in Japan being the NINTENDO game CUBE which was released back in 2001.

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the new game console coming out is the Ouya

How do you make a game console?

with game console parts..... and a guy who knows how to.... and stuff.......