They Protect you hand, the only better gloves are rune, dragon, and Barrows
The gauntlet are just like gloves only more expensive but they give more defense bonus Warning Only buy gauntlets if you have enough money
Gauntlets are known as armored gloves
On RuneScape, iron gauntlets do what any other type of gauntlets do. Really, they are gloves, but gauntlets are weopons that are gloves, so really, it just gives you a little extra boost on your stats!
The adamant battle axe and adamant scimitar are.
All adamant armour like Adamant full helm, Adamant platebody, Adamant plateleg
They are part of the recipe for disaster quest.
no dragon gauntlets cannot be repaired by bob you must recharge it at fists of guthix by tokens.
Grand Exchange
No, it can only be obtain by Fist of Guthix.
Adamant Dragons do not exist. The highest-tier metal dragon is still Mithril.
addy scimitar
The next level would be rune armor.