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Q: What do bbfc rate halo 4?
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Do BBFC rate games?


Why do the film industry need the BBFC?

to age rate films

What does the BBFC rate Armageddon Riders on PS3?

Other rating for the Game are 18+ PEGI and Mature ESRB

What UK rating is Call of Duty Black Ops?

So far there is no official rating from bbfc though PEGI have rated it an 18+. Accordng to the bbfc website the makers of Black ops cut 2 acts of strong violence which will hopefully lower it to a 15. If bbfc do rate it 15 PEGI are likely to change their rating.

What is halo 4 going to be called?

Halo 4 is called Halo 4.

What company will make halo 4?

Halo rights are owned by Bungee. Technically Halo 4 is "Halo ODST"

Halo 4 multiplayer?

There is multiplayer in halo 4

Will ther be a halo 4?

Yes, there is a Halo 4.

When is halo 4 be out?

there is no halo 4 because it is a trilogy. halo 3 was the end of the series.

Does halo 4 limited edition come with halo 4?

halo 4 limited edition, comes with a copy of halo 4, a T-shirt and special armor customization.

Which halo comes after halo reach?

In the Halo Universe, Halo CE. In reality, Halo 4.

What is better halo 4 or an iPod touch?

Halo 4