Because some people don't like Video Games so they don't want us to either, they blame a lot of things on video games. Here's a list: # violence in teenagers # more bad language # poor test scores # short attention spans Improv: As stupid it may be some people "idolise" game characters, so people want to be like them, if they have violence in the game, they copy. Same things goes if drugs are involved with a game, someone may even copy them with that.
No. The people committing the massacre were to blame for the massacre. Video games, crummy childhood, "the devil made me do it" ... all are simply attempts to avoid blame for their own actions. It should be noted that thousands of people played the same video games and yet somehow managed to NOT go out and murder people.
Because most of the people either. A.) Do not like either rap or video games. or B.) Are bad parents but need something to blaime on their kids bad behavior. But it's mostly, people feel they need to put blame on something that has little to do with gang violence. And, ontop of that, they love to blame things people enjoy, for bad things
42 people bulid other video games but the people which build ben 10 video games is 34
When kids constantly see people getting murdered and disemboweled they just start to talk about killing and blood.
People who buy video games.
They design video games.
Yes, people generally like to purchase video games for personal use. Sometimes people download games for free.
people who dont like video games
Im Irish. I play video games. Simple as that.
There are all ages everyone play video games.
35% of people don't play video games because they like to play boring boad games