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Q: What do you get for getting all the stray beads in okami?
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What happens when you gather all 100 stray beads in Okami?

That's simple. Once all 100 stray beads are collected (I mean by beating the game at least once because the last one is received by beating the game XD) you will get a notification on the bottom of the screen where the text always goes. It says, "The 100 stray beads have been found and have formed the Holy Artifact the String of Beads." or something like that while it plays happy music. That then makes Ammy's attack 10x stronger and her solar energy and ink pots infinite. It took me 3 or 4 playthroughs to get all of them.

What is strongest weapon in okami?

I would say all the fifth tier weapons. Solar Flare, Thunder Edge, and Tundra Beads

Where are the location of the stray beads in okami?

That's a hard question. There are several I chests and you can predict where they all are by findinga few and filling in the gaps. They don't really appear in places you can only enter once in and they aren't always in chests laying around. You also need to finish minigames sometimes. Good luck!

When will okami come out?

Okami 2 will come out in 2010 in Japan. Okami 2 will be coming out, around 2011 in Kansas and all that.

What do you do with a million beads?

There are too many variables to consider: the size/s of the beads; if they are all the same; the shape of the beads; what the beads are made of. For example, if all the beads are 1mm, you'd have 39,730 inches of beads whch is 62.7% of a mile.

Does resistor has stray capacitance?

Yes, all electronic components have both stray capacitance and stray inductance.

What is the difference between a stray and a dog?

A stray animal is one that is not cared for by a person. A dog is a furry quadruped. There are stray dogs, but not all dogs are strays, and not all strays are dogs.

Where are all the dojos in okami?

shinshu field, north ryoshima coast, and kamui

Are all the beads on a rosary the same size?

The beads in a rosary can be all the same, if that's the way you want to do it.Sometimes the "Our Father" beads are 1mm to 2mm larger. Either way you decide to do it is correct.

Where can you purchase seed beads? provides wonderful and versatile seed beads for all jewelry makers such as round seed beads, two cut seed beads, fringe seed beads and so on in high quality but cheap price.

How often does an imp drop beads?

all imps drop beads it is a random drop and there's no telling how often it drops beads just kill every imp or buy the beads from the grand exchange

Has 90 green beads and 108 blue beadsWhat is the greatest number of identical necklaces he can make if he uses all of the beads?

If he has only the beads stated, he can make 18 identical necklaces, each with 6 blue beads and 5 green beads.