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in the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops players can plant an explosive under an item that gives all sorts of special weapons and attacks to anyone who opens it - so it explodes when they try to open it, killing anyone close by

the care package (a big crate) is called down by throwing a smoke grenade on the spot you want it to appear. If you plant a claymore mine on the smoke grenade before the package drops, anyone approaching the care package from the right angle will trigger the explosion

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How do you get a nuke from a care package in mw2?

you can not get a nuke in a care package. the rest of the killstreaks can be found in a care package tho

How do i get a nuke from a care package mw2 ps3?

You can't anymore, Infinity Ward has taken off the nuke in care Package because it was considered to powerful to get from a care package

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no you carn't it is the only killstreak you cant get in a care package

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Yes, you can indeed get an EMP from a normal care package but it is rare.

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you cant. BUT you can kill someone with the care package to get a nuke :)))))))

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How do you change a care package on modern warfare 3?

It's really easy, and when I mean really I mean REALLY!!!! All you really have to do is have a Care Package ready and a place to jump on. First you press the right button on the Dpad to take your Care Package out. Then you go to an object that says "Press A to Jump" jump on it and press " Right, Right" on the Dpad and throw it. When you go over to get your Care Package, grab it and activate it. Look on the place where it shows a Care Package, you should have another one. Pretty Cool HU.

Can you take the care package on black ops after you booby trapped it?

no you are not able to get a care package once its booby trapped

How do you get care package on modern warfare 2?

You need to set the "Care Package" killstreak, and you have to get a 4 kill streak. When you got it, you get this grenade.. thing, and you throw it in the spot where you want the care package to drop, and then the care package will drop from the sky. Just don't get flattened by it! I hope this answers your question iFirePenguinAirstrike

How do you change a airdrop in Call of Duty Black Ops?

If you mean like a care package then it requires Hardline Pro.

What is package care?

a box you get after 4 kills in a row. any items except emergency air drop nuke and care package.

What is a CARE Package?

a box you get after 4 kills in a row. any items except emergency air drop nuke and care package.