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Q: What does it mean if your eye is red and has a red dot?
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What do you use to put a red dot on Indians head?

Red dot over the fore head signifies the third eye (knowledge).Symbolic of mental vision.

What is black and white and red sometimes and has two stripes and a polka dot?

a bloodshot eye

What does a red dot mean in Japanese?

If you mean the dot on the flag, it represents a rising sun, which is why Japan is "The Land of the Rising Sun".

When you draw a red and a green dot on a page 10 cm apart and close one eye bringing the paper towards you eye slowly why does one dot disappear?

The reason is that humans have a blind spot in their eyes, and therefore one dot disappears.

What does it mean when you get a coconut with a red dot and a black dot?

it means that u hate ur girlfriend

Why do Indian lady with the red dot on her forehead wear the cothing that they do?

Women in India wear a red dot to represent a third eye which stands for knowledge, because of the goddess Shiva know as the destroyer.

What does red light mean on Gmail?

The red dot beside the chat is the availability. It shows various types of moods of user. The red dot shows that the user is busy.

Why do Hindu gurus paint their faces and what do these mean?

red dot.

What happens if you have a red eye?

Well all i know is that you have a red dot in your eye when there is a picture taken, but sorry i havent seen a real one happend Well all i know is that you have a red dot in your eye when there is a picture taken, but sorry i havent seen a real one happend ________________________________________________________________________ Well you need to be more precise on having a red dot, I have answered this question already, its to do with the blood vessels bursting in your eye, nothing serious unless it doesn't heal up.

How do Indians get ther red dots?

Answer: It is symbol of third eye. When third eye activated by Guru to his student (only to whom he choose) there is sensation at place where Hindu put red dot on forehead. Red color means power.

What is the red dot on the dash of a 2004 dodge durango mean?


What is a red dot on a magic card mean?

Cant tell u