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Q: What does it mean the father made redemption depend on her?
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i hpoe you mean red DEAD redemption and it has a demo

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If you mean house, then take a nap in your bed.

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if you mean by throwing a fire bottle at a chicken, then yes

What does redemption mean to christians?

Being Saved By the Body & Blood Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

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The answer will depend on the what you mean by "steps".If you mean strides, then the answer will depend on the length of you stride. For me, it would be 220 steps.If you mean steps (eg of a ladder), then again it will depend on their size.

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The answer will depend on what "gr" is.The answer will depend on what "gr" is.The answer will depend on what "gr" is.The answer will depend on what "gr" is.

What do you learn was so spiciel about jhonny?

What you could learn about what was so special about Johnny would depend on which Johnny. If you mean Johnny from The Outsiders, he's special because he took on the role of the father.

What does redemption mean?

Deliverance from something or an entity. Being rescued, perhaps. or ro claim something :]

Is the tresure where you start the game in red dead redemption?

If you mean the first treasure map, then that is at hanging rock