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Q: What does marmalade look like in Candy Crush saga?
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"Look at that orange marmalade!" :)

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Talk to your crush. There's no difference if a crush looks or doesn't look like Justin.

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Expired candy is look like a that is a colour is changed and its stick some white bacteria.

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it looks like a real house but it is made out of candy

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It looks like a pink mountain with lollipops and candy pieces stuck to it.

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Your crush has a crush on someone else what do you do?

Wait a little. Either the other crush will last forever or it won't. Either your crush will last forever or it won't.Meanwhile, look around. Anybody else look interesting to you? While you're thinking about that, stay friendly to the person you like, and try not to treat their crush like the enemy. It just makes you look bad.

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It loooks like you took a peice of candy and sucked it!!

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Can't look a person in the face you have a crush on?

Yes, you can definitely look the person in the face if you have a crush on them. However, it may be difficult to do so if he/she knows that you like them.