Halo Wars
From what I know, there is no Halo Wars on the PC.
Halo Wars happened in 2009.
Do you mean "Where is"? A game like halo wars is called Halo.
Halo Wars was made in 2009, along with Halo 3 ODST
No. Halo Combat Evolved happened about 20 years after the events of Halo Wars.
Actually, I don't think there will BE a Halo Wars 2. There's Halo: ODST and Halo: Reach. Those came after Halo Wars (correct me if I'm wrong).
find halo wars and click it
NO..... halo,halo ce,halo2,halo3,HALO WARS,halo odst and from bungie will be from x box system ONLY.
Halo Wars does have Xbox live.
Lol there is no "original online Halo Wars"
Halo Wars is