The arrector pilli does not cause shivering - it's responsible for "goosebumps".. shivering is caused by skeletal-muscles..
Shivering and vomiting can be cause by a viral illness or bacterial such as food poisoning or influenza. Another cause could be a psychological conditions such as extreme anxiety.
Moderately cold; cold and raw or damp so as to cause shivering; causing or feeling a disagreeable sensation of cold, or a shivering.
because they get cold just like humans.
The cause is sickness
shivering with cold
No, "shivering" is not an adverb.The word "shivering" is a verb and sometimes a noun.The closest adverb form of the word "shivering" is shiveringly.
The duration of Shivering Spooks is 1200.0 seconds.
Shivering Sherlocks was created on 1948-01-08.
Shivering Spooks was created on 1926-08-08.
Shivering Shakespeare was created on 1930-01-25.