well since the game has not even came out yet how would someone know that
well call of duty and modern warfare are the same it is called Call of Duty: Modern warfare and then came call of duty: modern warfare 2
Call of Duty classic Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Call of Duty World at War Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 call of duty black ops call of duty modern warfare 3
Call of Duty Modern Warfare came before Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
"Call of Duty 6" "MW2" "Modern Warfare"
"Call of Duty 6" "MW2" "Modern Warfare"
Call of duty modern warfare 3
no theres a call of duty modern of warefare 2
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out first. This is the first game in the Modern Warfare series, and Modern Warfare 3 is the third game in the Modern Warfare series.
Call of Duty 1 Call of Duty The big red one Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 3 Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare Call of Duty : World at War Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty : Blackops Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 9 Call of Duties all together, 6 if you take out the modern warfares...
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was just before Call of Duty: World At War, and Modern Warfare 2 came just after it. Unless its on the Wii, on the Wii its WaW the Modern Warfare but its called Modern Warfare Reflex
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
call of duty finest hour call of duty 2 call of duty 3 call of duty world at war call of duty black ops call of duty 4 modern warfare call of duty modern warfare 2 call of duty modern warfare 3