A pirate likes an eye patch, but I still don't know what a ghost likes either
first write storm then ghost costume and knife and do what it tells you
first write storm then ghost costume and knife and do what it tells you
first write storm then ghost costume and knife and do what it tells you
Horseman = jack o lantern boogyman = child zombie = brain ghost = house
The developers of Scribblenauts and Super Scribblenauts are 5th Cell. They're also the developers of the Drawn To Life series and other games like Lock's Quest.
give the headless horseman a head, the bogeyman a child the zombie a brain and the ghost a grave
Horseman = jack o lantern boogyman = child zombie = brain ghost = house
there is super scribblenauts, but it's not called scribblenauts 2.
what i did is a haunted (thing), scary(boy/girl), evil (boy/girl), ghost moon, and mad (boy/girl)
No, you cannot
Scribblenauts happened in 2009.