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megaman starforce 1 2 and 3

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Q: What games is Sonia Strumm is in Megaman?
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On Megaman starforce dragon ds how do you find the hertz in the scrap?

press the pop-up the hertz gave you. blue=not in area yellow=close red=right there)look out to be crushes)you will see why are you already know -sonia strumm

Who does Geo stelar likes?

Geo Stelar likes either Sonia Strumm or Luna Platz

Does harp note like Megaman?

yeah harp note likes megaman. just play megaman starforce 3, and i think in club strong chapter you will have to save one object. save sonia bag and there is a cutscene later. NOW ask me if harp note likes megaman.

Is Megaman created by Nintendo?

No. Megaman games for Nintendo consoles are licensed by Nintendo. Capcom created megaman.

How many megaman series are there?

When it comes to games, there is the original Megaman series, the Megaman X series, Megaman Zero series, Megaman ZX series, Megaman Legends, Megaman Battlenetwork, and Megaman Starforce. He has also appeared in various Capcom fighter games. When it comes to TV series, there is Megaman.EXE, Axess, Stream, Beast, and Beast+ as well as a full-length feature film from the Stream storyline.

Can you link megaman 6 to megaman 4?

no you can only link megaman games together if it is the same number like megaman battle network 3 blue to megaman battle network 3 white

How many Megaman games are there?


Will they make another Megaman game?

Yes Capcom is planning to realese seven new megaman games leading up to the blue bombers 25th anniversary, the newest megaman games is Operate shooting star which is a re realese of BN 1 with SF megaman.

Where is sonia in Megaman starforce pegasus?

Type your answer here... you find her behind the train if you go up to the train and press a at lookout point she comes out

Is Megaman dead?

Yes! I Loved His Games, But The Past Few Games, The Did Not Get That Many Supporters, Fans, Or Whatever, And They Did Not Get To Become Games. But Mighty No. 9 Is Basically The New Megaman And Its Coming Out 2015

When was MegaMan NT Warrior created?

The franchise began with the original Megaman game in 1987. In the games, Megaman is always created in the year 200X or 20XX.

In the Original series what is MegaMan's hair color?

Black, according to the Title Screen of Megaman 2. However, in most of the other games, Megaman's hair color is brown.