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boy i should think...

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Q: What gender suicide bombs more?
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What equipment do they use in the war in Afghanistan?

bombs !, bombs i tell ya suicide bombs, home mad bombs,puppies bombs,

What did Osama Bin Laden want from us?

he wanted money and more bombs for suicide attempts

What is a kamiikaze?

A Kamikaze is a Japanese suicide plane filled with bombs

Did solders carry bombs in tanks in world war 2?

Not really, nearly every tanks contained grenades and little explosives. Certain tank squads did have have highly explosive mini bombs but these were like "suicide bombing" tanks without the suicide.

Who commits suicide first a boy or a girl?

Suicide rates vary by gender, with males generally having higher rates of suicide completion, while females have higher rates of suicide attempts. However, factors such as mental health, social support, and access to tools for self-harm play a significant role in determining who may be at greater risk for suicide. It is essential to seek help and support for anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts or behavior, regardless of gender.

How would you define modern day terror?

I would define modern day terror as attacking the majority group of any one country with car bombs, suicide bombs, or shootings

How did the World War 1 impact gender roles?

There was less men left to do jobs, so women had to do some of the more 'manly' roles. For example making weaponry, bombs esc

What bombs were made because of atomic bombs?

More & higher yield atomic bombs, I guess.

What is a nuclear buildup?

Making more bombs or bigger bombs.

Which of these weapons are more dangerous swords or bombs?

bombs are actually more dangerous but swords were for real men.

Which gender is more likely to get into fights?

The male gender is more likely to get into fights with the same gender.

Are atomic bombs different from nuclear bombs?

Both basically are the same, they can be fission or fusion bombs like Uranium,Plutonium and Hydrogen bombs. A general description would be that atomic bombs are fission bombs. Nuclear bombs are fusion bombs. Fusion bombs are more powerful weight for weight