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First you find the lamp, then in the night (12am-2am around) you find wisp in the town (he's a ghost) and when you give it to him, go to your attic at which you sleep and he will give out three choices:

-Remove all weeds in your town (Easiest to pick this one)

-Crush all cockroaches in your house (Never pick this one)

-Give you a random and rare furniture or shirt ( I usually pick this one)

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Q: What happens if you get a genie lamp in animal crossing?
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How do you get back an empty genie lamp you sold on animal crossing?

You can't... It is sold and impossible to retrieve! Sorry! :(

Where is wisp on Animal Crossing wild world?

wisp only is on the gamecube and wii version of animal crossing animal crossing city folk wisp is different from gamecube animal crossing wisp. on gamecube, you have to capture five spirits and return to wisp. on animal crossing city folk you randomely find an empty genie bottle. you have to go to night the same day you found the lamp and return it to wisp.

Who appeared when Aladdin rubbed his lamp?

The Genie appeared from the lamp.

Where is the genie in Animal Crossing City Folk?

The genie's name is Wisp. Sometimes he'll visit your town at night, and tell you that he lost his lamp. You have to find it by looking around your town anytime to find it. I found it and he said he would grant me a wish if I went to my bedroom. Instead, I held him in my lamp as my slave. So now, Wisp is my slave!

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When was The Genie of the Lamp created?

The Genie of the Lamp was created on 2004-07-20.

What happens if you find Wisps lamp before you find Wisp on animal crossing city folk?

Don't worry about it just go on the day you find the lamp after 8 pm. Hope this helps! :) :)

What is a genie sim?

A Genie Sim is a Sim on the Sims 2 that you can get by getting the Genie Lamp. How do you get the lamp? I don't know. I'll tell you when I find out.

When does the lamp appear in Animal Crossing City Folk?

The Ghost's Lamp is in front of the Museum or at least i found it there

What is a Genie's Lamp and what is it really for?

A Genie's Lamp is a special item given to you by a Genie. If you rub this lamp, you can wish for experience points. If you are a non-member you can only get experience in the skills for non-members.

Where can you find a genie lamp?

Nowhere. But if it's just a toy genie lamp get one in toy stores?

How did alladin find the genie?

he rubbed the lamp and the genie appeared.