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Q: What is 1st tone in painting?
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What is the pinyin for the number 1-10 in Chinese?

yi (first tone), er (fourth tone), san (first tone), si (4th tone), Wu (3rd tone), lio (4th tone), qi (1st tone), ba (1st tone) jio (3rd tone) shi (2nd tone) tones: 1st-high, level pitch 2nd-rising pitch 3rd-low dipping pitch 4th-abruptly falling in pitch pronunciation: ee, are, san, su, woo, Leo, chee, ba, jeo, sure

What Elements did pablo Picasso used in painting the old guitarist?

colour, line and tone

When was Mark Rothko 1st painting?

you got to say he has be painting when he was in year 2.

Who made 1st oil painting?

someone in afghanistan

What is a monotone painting?

it is an artwork or painting done in only one coloure but difrnt shades for example light red normal reddark red maroonallthat in one art work with tone and detail

What was the 1st painting by Picasso?

He made it in art school, so we do not know.

What are the Chinese letters on the book Chinese Cinderella?

The four letters are: Ma (3rd tone) Yan (2nd tone) Jun (1st tone) Ling (2nd tone) This is the author, Adeline Yen Mah's Chinese name written in traditional Chinese.

What is Venus in Chinese?

The planet Venus is 金星,which literally means "gold star". Pronounced "jin" 1st tone and "xing" first tone.

What are the tone marks for pinyin?

The tone marks for Pinyin are: 1st tone: ā, ē, ī, ō, ū 2nd tone: á, é, í, ó, ú 3rd tone: ǎ, ě, ǐ, ǒ, ǔ 4th tone: à, è, ì, ò, ù

What does a dream about Mona Lisa mean?

They show the mood and tone of the painting, and the way that da Vinci paints the mouth is an illusion whether she is smiling or not.

In what year did Michelangelo finish painting the ceiling of the Sistine chapel?

Michelangelo finished the ceiling on November 1st, 1512.

How do you say weather in Chinese?

Tian qi - pronounced "tee-an" (1st inflection, which is just a flat tone like --) "chee" (with the 4th inflection, which is like a short punch downwards in tone)