they are not worth it because animal jam sells them on halloween on the 25
I don't know what a Mira Emblem is worth on animal jam but I do know that I play animal jam.
NON rare sunglasses on animal jam are worth at last 1 short black collar
Well, if you are refering to scary antlers, then those aren't worth that much. You might to trade a few good rares for those. For gazelle antlers, you need to trade alot for those. If you were to trade gazelle horns and other good things for a spike collar (rare), then you'd be lucky. I think gazelle horns might be worth a rare short spike wrist or a long wrist... I have no idea though. But good luck getting gazelle antlers! ;D
A set
It is worth rare short wrist.
A rare headdress.
it mostly worth rare nerd glasses
According to results back in 2012, a spiderweb floor was worth 200 point on Animal Jam. However, you can find better update on the worth of spiderweb floor if you are a member on website.
its not here enymore but if someone has it trade them!