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it's a game that's compatible with the DialShock 3 witch is a PS3 controller that has vibration

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Q: What is PS3 rumble?
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No it is not coming out in a PS3 version

Is Pokemon Rumble Blast for PS3?

if you have a ps3 and play pokemon, you are a tool.

Can you play digimon rumble arena on ps3?

yes keep your hopes up

Is a ps3 a input device?

No, it is the processing unit. The input would be its controller, output could be the video and audio as well as its rumble (if you have a controller with rumble).

How do you turn on viabrate mode?

Are you on Xbox or PS3? If so, the rumble feature is turned on and off in your systems settings not your game as I do not believe there is a rumble toggle in game.

What is the difference between a PS3 sixaxis controller and a PS3 Dualshock controller?

The PS3 Dualshock is the exact same as the other, but includes the vibration or rumble feature, which basically shakes the controller during gameplay. So it is an improved version of the six-axis controller.

Are PS3 controllers smaller the PS2 controllers?

Not as far as i know, they feel exactly the same size to me. They are substantially light though, due to the lack of a rumble feature.

Does the 80GB PS3 have wifi?

Yes - the only differences between it and the 40GB version is the extra hard-drive space, and the fact that they generally come with the Dualshock 3, with built-in rumble.

How does the TJ Rumble go?

Everybody do the Tj Rumble! Everybody do the Tj Rumble! Tj, what? what? Rumble! Oh-yeah!

What are four sentences for the word rumble?

I heard a rumble from my furnace.Most stomachs make a rumble noise when persons are hungry. "Ready to rumble!" the announcer yelled. The rumble outside my window awakened me.

Does the new Dualshock PS3 controller vibrate with older PS3 games?

Sadly unlke the ps2 controller, due to the controller being wireless it does not vibrate. Hopefully this will be changed soon!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, if they add the support! I know Resistance: Fall of Man had an update that allowed it to use the rumble feature. PSN=TheRamMan