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Q: What is a environmental fallout?
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What are the environmental effects of nuclear fallout?

"The environmental radioactivity is increased." That's it?

How long is the fallout of one atomic bomb?

The fallout of an atomic bomb can last for days to weeks, depending on weather conditions and the size of the explosion. Fallout consists of radioactive particles that are carried by wind and can spread over large areas, causing long-term health and environmental effects. Evacuation and sheltering measures can help reduce exposure to fallout.

What is a good list of environmental problems?

Pollution, Energy Conservation, Air Quality, Genetic Pollution, Nuclear fallout, illegal logging, Littering, and medical/toxic waste are one of the core environmental problems.

What is environment fallout?

"Environment fallout" typically refers to the negative environmental consequences resulting from activities such as industrial pollution, nuclear accidents, and natural disasters. These can include pollution of air, water, and soil, as well as damage to ecosystems and wildlife. Mitigating and addressing environment fallout often requires coordinated efforts among governments, industries, and communities.

How many fallout are there?

There are currently six Fallout games. These include; Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, and Fallout Tactics. There are more Fallout games in development and set for release on the horizon, including but no limited to; Fallout Online and a Fallout iPhone game.

How many fallout games are there?

There are currently six Fallout games. These include; Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, and Fallout Tactics. There are more Fallout games in development and set for release on the horizon, including but no limited to; Fallout Online and a Fallout iPhone game.

How many fallout games will be made?

After new Vegas will be 5 more fallout 4 fallout arctic meltdown fallout raider version fallout pre war edition and fallout final

What is the best fallout?

In my opinion, Fallout 2.

Does fallout new Vegas freeze like Fallout 3?

Occasionally Fallout: New Vegas will freeze, but not as frequently as Fallout 3.

Do fallout and fallout 2 have free roams after the stories are complete?

fallout 1 doesnt, since the game ends fallout 2 does

What is a fallout-?

fallout is the aftermath of a great destructive event. especially a nuclear one.

What Fallout game to buy on XBOX360?

I personally recommend Fallout 3 to any other Fallout game. Fallout 3 has a more organized and in my opinion interesting storyline. And you. And you can also keep the game going after you beat the main quest on Fallout 3 if you buy the DLC "Broken Steel."