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Master Yi The Wuju Bladesman Build :

Start items :

Health Potion x3

Boots of Speed

Core items :

Zhonya's Hourglass

Lich Bane

Rabadon's Deathcap

Endgame items :

Guardian Angel

Abyssal Scepter

Void Staff

Build 2:

Start items :

Health Potion x5

Hunter's Machete

Core items :


Mercury's Treads

Wriggle's Lantern

Endgame items :

Guardian Angel

Blade of the Ruined King

Infinity Edge

Frozen Mallet

Jungling Tips :

Timing objectives:

It is a great idea to note when Blue/Red buffs or Dragons/Barons will spawn back. That way you can make sure you will get it first. For example, Blue buff usually dies at 2:00. That means it will come back at around 7:00. You can ward the enemy jungle and go at the enemy blue at 7:00 to steal for example.

Here are the jungle respawn times:

Wraiths - 50 seconds

Wolves and Golems - 1 minute

Red Lizards and Blue golem - 5 minutes

Dragon - 6 minutes

Baron Nashor - 7 minutes

Another tip: When you kill Dragon or Baron, look at the current time, add 6 or 7 minutes to that time (depending on what you just killed) and type in chat. That way you can scroll up in the chat box to see when it's gonna come back. Your team will be able to get ready to get it again/ambush the enemy. :)

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