okay so for emerald i recommend u use swampert (teach it blizzard or ice beam)
camerupt(flamethrower or eruption) magnimite(zap cannon or magnet bomb)
breloom(fighting and grass moves *any*) and of corse rayquaza
for pikachu lv 88, have a level 70 or over ground or rock type. if you caught red gyrados then DO NOT USE IT! Snorlax is just easy with a fightng type. lapras has perish song, so knock it out fast with a fighting type. blastoice will die with grass or electric, venasaur, phscic and fire with flying. charizard will slam down with the rock tipe but water helps.
The ideal team would be, tyranitar, ho-oh lugia hitmonlee raiko entei
Knock out all his pokemon. If you are that far in the game you should really know how to defeat a trainer.
A good Pokemon team starts with a good trainer, This is my team Venasaur-( my favorite ) Charizard Sceptile Blastoise Swampert Blaziken My team is: Scizor Gallade Milotic Arcanine Tyranitar Torterra Jelk jelk
There is no trainer with riolu as far as I know. But if you go to Iron Island and team up with Riley, he will give you an egg that will hatch into a riolu. You must finish the journey with him before though. he will give it to you when you defeat team galactic. Remember - you can't get it if you have six Pokemon in your team
You go into modify your profile, then select your team you want to join and earn points with. Once you have done this defeat 2 Pokemon from a trainer in another team. After this go into team stats then click on the team boost scroll down and click on get team reward. Now you go into attach an item and attach the team boost to your starter Pokemon and battle someone now your team points won't be around 5 per Pokemon defeat it should now be 750 points! Hope this works 4 u because it did for me!
as a good and experienced Pokemon trainer, I would say a well balanced team at about 56 to about 64 with several different types.
trainer red is on top of mount moon or mount silver whatb ever it is called.you can only go there after doing these tasks: defeat elite 4,defeat team rocket, and collect all 16 badges (8 kanto 8 jhoto). I hoped this helped :P
No one
well you have to defeat the Pokemon and sometimes the Pokemon will ask you if it can join your team............................................................................................:):)
Get the Goundon
For 100% completion, you would need to complete the National Pokedex, training them to level 100 with max EVs and IVs. You would need to defeat the Pokemon League and Team Rocket. You can also defeat every trainer and collect every item available.
If you have a strong team then no, you should be fine :)
His team are in the Lv 80s are strong if you haven't trained your team.