a white box at the front of your lot house where your bills, mail etc. are put. (your postman will put the post in them)
a letterbox is a post box, a mail box, somewhere where, if you dont have a slot on your door to put the post through, your postman will put it in there.
come on people! how can you not know what a letterbox is!
You can download the fox's test box from the site, Posebox.livejournal. Fox's test box is a type of pose box that is used in the Sims 2.
the sims 2 cheat box isn't working i try everything whats going on the sims 2 cheat box isn't working i try everything whats going on
Look at the top of the back of the pamphlet included in your Sims 2 box.
To install any sims 2 expansion packs you need to have the sims 2 installed. You cant just install sims 2 seasons for example, you need to have the sims 2 installed. It should say that on the box somewhere.
Bring up the cheat box and type in agingoff.
Do you mean the cheat box? If so, then you just press ctrl+shift+c at the same time
If you hold Ctrl, shift and the letter c a box will show up top. In the box type moveobjects on , and then press enter. You will be able to move sims, counters with objects on them and everything else. To turn it off you hold the ctrl combo again and then type in the box moveobjects off
Yes. I played it before.
In the cheat box type: forcetwins.
right, what you do is make your desired sim, then save them into the custom made sims box (with all the sims that are already made) once saved, go onto your game and open up the box with the sims that already made in (in family creator) and your sims should be there.
type in the cheat box boolprop testingcheatsenabled true-exactly like this. then shift click on your Sims and go to force twins it should work or type in the cheat box twinsr2cute or twinzr2cute
press the mail box?