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God Warriors Shadow Strikers Hells Angels God's Blades hells devils the devils mega killers evil idiots thats all i could think of so if you dont like them sorry. -----------------------

I'd like to add: The Hairy Ambush It's got a certain ring to it, I think you'll agree (though I know as much about Runescape as I do about porridge farming).

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Q: What is a menacing clan name for runescape?
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How do you make a clan on Runescape?

Think of a clan name, then get people to join, simple.

How do you get runescape clan signature?

If u want to make a clan name go to the clan chat icon then go clan setup then write your clan name no, i want to make a clan signature not a clan.

HOW do you open a clan in runescape Be specific?

you could always just go to clan setup and say clan name and options

When ever you try to make your own clan chat on runescape you try to join it but every time it says that the clan doesnt exist why does it say that?

Remember you enter your user name to get into clan not the clan name

How do you figure out how much xp your runescape clan has?

Go to the related link below and enter your clan name into the search bar.

How do you change your clan's name on Runescape?

Visit the scribe and get 4 other founders. You'll have a registered clan, and you will also be able to name it. For friends chat, change the chat name under clan settings.

How do you set up a runescape clan chat?

click at the multiple happy faces on your bar then you click edit clan and type your clan name in and edit all your settings.

How do you start a clan in runescape?

go to clan button ( three golden people) and click clan set up name it and stuff then enter your name in the slot (join chat) and ask people to join iT!

What does blue star mean in front of a clan members name in the clan chat channel on runescape?

It means that the person purchased the "Premier Club" package.

How do you fuse a clan with another clan runescape?

You tell all the members of one clan to switch to the other clan.

How do you do Booting on RuneScape?

you have to be a leader of a clan

What is the Best way to make a clan on runescape?

There are many ways to start your own clan on runescape. The first, most important thing is making a forum thread stating that you have a new clan that is recruiting. Also, it is good to get some of your friends in your clan, because nobody wants to join a clan with no members. Also, BE ORGANIZED ON YOUR THREAD! I cant tell you how many times i have seen people with threads that go like this: "Hosting tryouts for clan ____ pm me my name is ____." You need to tell people what your clan does, how often it does things, requirements, how many people are in the clan, and any other information. Also, a good clan name always draws views into your forum thread. If you have any questions, my runescape name is Zeus Wins. Good luck!