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Q: What is a recitation platform?
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Related questions

What part of speech is the word recitation?

Recitation is a noun.

How many words can you make from Recitation?

Word that can be made from the letters in recitation are:aaceacornacreactactionactorairareartatcairncanecarecatcatercitationcitecoatcoinconconecorecorncranecrateearearneateoneraIiceiconinintoionirateireironnearneatnectarnicenitniternonornotnotenoternoticeoaroatoceanononceoneontoorcaoreotterracerainranrantratraterationreactreactionrecantrecitereinrentretainriceriotriteroanroerotrotaterotetacttarttatteatearteattententtictiertintinetinttiretotoetontonetonictoretorntorttortetottracetracttractiontraintraittreattritetrot

Who confined the recitation if the style - of the - Quraysh tribe?

Usman (R.A) confined the recitation of the style - of the - Quraysh tribe...

What does the koran mean?

The recitation

What are some good websites that show beautiful quran recitation?

There is (just search for the Quran area) recitation (just type in the search on youtube Quran recitation)Haramain Recordingsetc;

What rhymes with popular and recitation?

For "popular": doppler, stroller, scholar. For "recitation": citation, hesitation, invitation.

What are the release dates for Toodles Recites a Recitation - 1903?

Toodles Recites a Recitation - 1903 was released on: USA: November 1903

Meaning of tge word recitation in Malayalam?

The word "recitation" can be translated to Malayalam as "ഉപദേശനം" (upadeshanam) or "വാചകം" (vachakam).

What does the word Koran mean?

The recitation

What is tahleel?

recitation of 1st kalima

What are synonyms of recitals?

performance, recitation

What is the advantages of recitation?

it affect your grades