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There is no 'site' that can do it, only Nintendo themselves can reset it, over the phone.

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Q: What is a site that will give you a master key for your parental control Nintendo 3ds?
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What is Nintendo 3ds parental control master key?

There is no such thing as a Nintendo 3DS master key. The key that can be used to reset parental locks, was at one time able to be calculated using the reference number the console generated for you. This is no longer possible, and there is no universal key that can bypass the need to contact Nintendo.

How to do Parental control?

Download Pika Pika App to do parental control on the children and give a safe atmosphere to the kids.

What is the 5 digit master key to unlock the parental controls in the Nintendo DSi?

They just have to go to Parental Controls, and keep selecting I Forgot until it gives you an Inquiry Number. You then go to the website and type in your inquiry number where is asks for a confirmation number (they are the same thing) and select the correct date from the drop-down menu. It will give you a master key code that you can use for unlocking Parental Controls. This website also works for the DSi. NOTE: With the DSi, it can be very hit-and-miss, since there are reports of it working, and reports of it failing.

How do you give up parental rights to your out of control children in Virginia?

In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

Can Teachers give parental consent?

No. A parent can give parental consent. A teacher can give teacher consent.

What if you lost your PIN for Dsi?

call the number given in the operation guide and you will get the master key, then with the code number they give you enter it into the dsi and then the parental controls will open.

Do dolphins give parental care?

They do give parental care and the mother typically cares for her young for four years.

How do you turn off parental controlson and an xbox if you forgot your parental controls password and the question it asked in my case it was What is your favorite cartoon charectar and i could'NT rem?

Most gaming companies would ask you to call them to give you a master code, so you should call Microsoft.

How can you reset your DSi XL parent controls?

if you want to reset your nintendo dsi and you dont have the parental password no worries, i found out how all you have to do is 1)make sure your date is correct 2)go to parental controls under settings and click i forgot twice and then it should give you and inquiry number 3)with that number go to marcansoft site 4)type in the inquiry code number in it should give you a code 5)enter that code on the next screen after pressing ok. 6)then hit clear settings and that will reset the nintendo dsi

Do Nintendo dogs give birth in the Nintendo?

NO they dont,it is impossiblesorry

Can the father of your baby give up his parental rights to his cousin?

If the cousin is currently married to you, and is willing to accept parental responsibilities and adopt the child, then the father can give up his parental rights.

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