Rock Band 2. DJ hero looks confusing with the DJ shaped comtroller and you can only use a Guitar Hero guitar controller not a drumset or a mic. So, rock band 2.
rock band all the way
DJ Hero is not exportable into Rock Band, if that's what you mean. DJ Hero is made by Activision and Rock Band is Harmonix.
No, that's why they call it dj hero not band hero....
No, you can on DJ Hero
Yeah it works with the DJ vs Guitar mode on DJ Hero.
Lego rock band, Guitar hero, and Dj hero
It's out already and rock band doesn't have stuff on it.
Before I say anything, there are 3 games in the 2009 Guitar Hero New Graphics Series. -Guitar Hero 5 - DJ Hero - Band Hero I cannot tell you which is better. I've played all 3 games above. Band Hero and GH5 are the same, but different songs and new characters and venues. DJ Hero is cool too. They are all so fun. J
dj hero is better than guitar hero
yes guitar hero too as long as you have a drum set that is meant for ps2 or is able to be wired to the ps3 u can play any type of guitar hero or rock band gam that contains drums but not dj hero
The Band Hero Guitar works on DJ Hero 1 on the same console as the guitar. The guitar only has parts on a minimal amount of songs, though.