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There are just a few secrets you may not know about Millsberry, first you need to click on the teddy bear in your homes basement, it will give you something. Next secret is at the Millsberry mercantile bank, you'll need to click on the box of checks on the counter. Lucky the leprechaun will appear and grab them. Thirdly is at Sylvane Lake, where Sylvie the sea monster will appear between 7 to 12 in the morning and when you click on her she will offer you a free gift.

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Q: What is some hidden stuff on Millsberry?
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Where is inventory on millsberry?

The inventory is found in 'My Stuff'.

How do you attend Millsberry Academy on Millsberry?

You don't really attend Millsberry Academy. You just go there and do stuff like buy lunch and go to the school store.

How do you beat millsberry?

You can't millsberry. That's like saying ''how do you beat club penguin''. There is no ending to Millsberry. Like a last level but you can beat games and other stuff in Millsberry. Please rate me 5/5 stars!

Where are the next two fruit roll ups on millsberry?

next week it will be hidden sorry!!

How do you find all the millsberry patches for grow good farms in millsberry?

you have to keep growing stuff then after each time you make a pizza you get to add a patch

How do you send your stuff to the new millsberry that you have created?

By exchanging i think is the best way.

Is there any cheats for millsberry?

Millsberry is good at protecting there site but there are some cheats.

What are some some games like millsberry?


On millsberry how many points do you have to get the millsberry 500 trophy?

Go to my yard sale: Suchetna u luv it i have awesome stuff and lotts of it and i have many cheap rare trophies aloso visit for sure my yardsale username is : Suchetna Millsberry Citizen, Suchetna

How to get quick cash on Millsberry?

Sell stuff in your yard sale. It got myself mad rich!

How do you get into to the millsberry basement?

Click on 'My Stuff' (it should be in the menu underneath your buddy) and then click on 'Basement' on the clipboard that appears.