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i think its a tiny jewel maybe its there to hold all blazes fire powers (and take up room lol)

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Q: What is that thing on Blaze the Cat's forehead?
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What is a blaze for horses?

A blaze is a large white marking on a horse's face, typically running down the middle from the forehead to the nose. It is a common coat marking and can come in different shapes and sizes.

What part of speech is forehead?

Forehead is a noun. A noun is a person, place, or thing, and forehead is a thing.

What is blaze the cats dimension called?

she went back to sonic's world

What do you call a white mark on an animals forehead?

A white mark on an animals' forehead is often called a blaze, strip, star, bald face, or a snip. These are called different names because of their shape or size.

Is there a such thing as forehead cancer?

Yes, skin cancer can manifest as tumors on the forehead.

The word forehead is a pronoun right?

Forehead is a noun. A pronoun is a PARTICULAR , person , place or thing, usually capitalized.

Tabby cats are known for what types of distinctive marks?

They are known for the distinctive mark of an "M" on their forehead

Plastic surgery to shrink your forehead?

Yes there isx a such thing as forehead shrinking plastic surgery but it doesn't always work.

What does it mean to have a high forehead?

It does not mean a thing, but its said that males with high forehead mean they are more intellectual and intelligent, while for females very high forehead is considered to be a propensity to be rude.

What color fur do Maine coon cats have?

Just about any combination you can think of, but the vast majority have an "M" on their forehead.

What do you call a white mark on a animal?

A white mark on an animals' forehead is often called a blaze, strip, star, bald face, or a snip. These are called different names because of their shape or size.