You can't.
The sunken SHip, or the Quiz Lady, or the Pokemon Lottery.
depends how you use it, and what for. If, for instance, it was a dive ball and you used it on a fire pokemon, it would be crap.
Give a Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald, Sapphire, or Ruby a luxury ball to hold and trade to Fire Red. You can get extra luxury balls by winning a master rank contest after your Pokemon already has the ribbon. There is also one luxury ball in the abandoned ship, but you need dive. As far as I know, you cant get the luxery bal without tradeing with the other games I listed, or trade with someone who already has luxury balls. -BubbaJ
Apparently the prize for winning a Contest is a Luxury Ball; however, my source states that you must have won this Contest at least once before to earn the prize.
First time win: Ribbon & if you have 6 or more hearts, you can have a great painting of your Pokemon. Second win and up: Luxury Ball and great painting of Pokemon if it has 6+ hearts.
go to a poke mart go to a poke mart
The luxury ball doubles the happiness of a Pokemon so it is good to use on baby Pokemon and ones like zubat who eventually evolves with happiness
Luxury balls make it much easier to make a Pokemon friendly with you. Making a Pokemon friendly causes certain types to evolve and increases the power of the move return
Yes. If a Pokemon of yours wins the Pokemon master rank contest after having one it before, you will be given a luxury ball as a prize.
You can't. The only one I know of is on the abandoned ship. Use it carefully.
in the abandon ship and is awarded to you if win a Master Rank Contest for the second time.