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Why would u want 2 do that anyway? It's wrong

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Q: What is the action replay code for naked peach and naked Mario on super Mario 64 ds?
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How do you be peach in Super Mario Brothers ds?

You can't unless you get action replay.

How do you get into the princess peach picture in super mario 64 ds?

You can't. However, you can do a glitch found on Youtube or a cheat with a action Replay

How do you play peach in super Mario 64 ds?

you get every star and every mini game and dubug mode!!!!!! or us action replay

What is the cheat code to play as peach in super Mario ds using the dsi action replay?

sorry i dont think there is one ive been looking for it too... if you enter the one for action replay ds it freezes and you cant really move peach around in the meantime ill look

Can you play as princess peach in Mario 64 on ds?

You can,but you have to get action replay ds and do what this guy did:

In super Mario 64 ds what is the action replay cheat for getting peach?

Heres The Code to be Princess Peach 021043e8 000000ba d2000000 00000000 020988a4 00000033 d2000000 00000000 BUT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MOVE!

How can you play as princess peach in Super Mario 64 DS?

Get action replay ds and go to this link:

Can you be peach in new Super Mario Brothers?

you need a action replay to do it. go to for codes it not their the codes that r already there r on the site and im a loser

Can you play as princess peach in super Mario 64 DS?

Get action replay ds and go to this link:

Why didn't the Action Replay code to move as characters like Peach work for Super Mario 64 DS?

because you probably have v2, it only works on v1.

Is there a cheat to make princess peach naked in super mario sunshine?

No. Try porn instead.

How do you unlock peach and play her in Super Mario 64?

You have to either beat the final bowser or get every power starI HAVE A BETTER ANSWER!You cannot be Peach in Super Mario 64 or Super Mario 64 DS.Unless, you have Project 64 or an AR (Action Replay).Project 64 lets you play Nintendo 64 games on your computerand it comes with cheats.An AR is hard to explain.