When you next access the Internet try asking Goolge for: Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough.
Puzzle No 6: Needling Needles (US) or Eye on The Needles (UK) (Must have solved Puzzle No 5) Answer = Thread A passes through 10 needles
You could try asking Google or one of the many other search engines to look for a walkthrough to the Professor Layton Games.
Puzzle No 7: What's the Time, Prof Layton and the Lost Future. The Midland Road Clock Shop, find 3 hint coins, tap on the large clock face (must need to have solved Puzzle No 6) (You must not have solved Puzzle No 8) Answer = the clock is showing 6 o'clock. Please see the Related link below for a walkthrough of the puzzle.
Puzzle No 21: Medicine Time, Prof Layton and the Unwound future. (Must have solved Puzzle No 20) Find 3 hint coins, Speak to Dr Schrader Please see the Related link below for a walkthrough of the puzzle.
A true gentleman leaves no puzzle unsolved!
Puzzle No 17: The Messy Note (US) The Scrawled Note (UK) Enter the door on the left, Collect 3 hint coins, Tap on Paillard, Answer = the number is 8. Please see the related link below for a walkthrough of this puzzle.
To gain toy car course No 10, need to have solved: Puzzle Battle 3: Layton vs Dimitri. Battle 3 Layton vs Dimitri, (UK) and (US) versions. Find the Bombs. Please see the related links below. Must have solved puzzle 142. Please see the related links below for the above puzzle and toy car course no 10.
Puzzle No 4: Moving Day, Prof Layton and the lost future.Look at the stairway on the left(must have spoken to Stachenscarfen)Answer = It would take 3 minutes to get all the boxes to the top floor.Please see the Related link below for walkthrough of the puzzle
the answer to puzzle 32 i believe is c ,in prof layton and PANDORAS box :)
What are some websites for Prof Layton. Please see link below for a walkthrough of Professor Layton and the Curious Village