A "melee set" in RuneScape means armor pieces that come together to fill all armor slots (head, shield, legs, chest, and sometimes boots/gloves).
So of the offered "sets", 'best' can mean many things. With the barrows sets (70 def), Dhroks hits the highest with capable hits of over 1000 Constitution points. As Guthans (also barrows) doesn't hit as high or hardly as often, but can heal the player equal to points hit.
For lower leveled players, full rune (40 def) is a good alternative, or dragon (60 def) if you have coins to spare.
For high leveled players, the Nex set Torva is extremely effective and seen by most as the 'best' as it has the highest defence stats (melee) in the game.
The 'maxed' possible melee defence gear are as follows;
Torva helm, Torva Chest, Torva legs, Steadfast Boots/Torva Boots, Goliath gloves/Torva gloves, Amulet of fury, Onyx ring (i), Divine spirit shield, Aegis aura activated, Staff of Light (special activated) and a steel titan summoned.
Well for f2p the best range armor is green d'hide and if u got about 1M u can get gold-trimmed set (for p2p the best is morigan's leather) As for melee : f2p-full rune (or gold-trimmed rune) ; p2p-dragon Edit: f2p corrupt dragon is better than rune. trimmed armor is the same as non-trimmed armor in terms of stats. Trova is the best melee armor for members.
They are in the dungeon in lumbride after you complete the quest that you start by talking to xenia in the lumbridge graveyard. You go to the end where you defeated the melee user, and there is a set of stairs where the altar was.
Rune hands down for Non-members. For members, its either barrows or 3rd age melee set. This costs alot, but has amazing bonuses. It has +409 slash bonus + 395 stab bonus and +381 crush bonus.
According to a search in the Grand Exchange, it seems to be the Third Age Melee set, worth 357.7 millions. Information retrieved on March 22, 2011; prices vary over time.
Lots of people have different opinions on what best to wear in Runescape, but IMHO I would say that wearing the saradomin robes set with a blue h ween mask and a prayer cape.
It is best to use an online skill calculator to answer this kind of question - like the one at runescape.salmoneus.net. Recently, you can also set an objective in RuneScape - that will tell you how much more experience you need.It is best to use an online skill calculator to answer this kind of question - like the one at runescape.salmoneus.net. Recently, you can also set an objective in RuneScape - that will tell you how much more experience you need.It is best to use an online skill calculator to answer this kind of question - like the one at runescape.salmoneus.net. Recently, you can also set an objective in RuneScape - that will tell you how much more experience you need.It is best to use an online skill calculator to answer this kind of question - like the one at runescape.salmoneus.net. Recently, you can also set an objective in RuneScape - that will tell you how much more experience you need.
Click Set-up cannon stand. Your RuneScape character will automatically set up the rest.
Guthix Melee Armour / Robes / D-Hide Set can all be obtained from Treasure Trials ( Clue Scrolls). As for Book Of Balance ( Guthix Prayer Book ) you need to complete Horror From the deep quest and choose green book at the end. Dude hes asking WHERE is guthix... Guthix is not located in runescape same with saraodmin and zamorak they are jsut gods created by Jagex.
Machamp. Trade your machoke with a friend, then trade it back and you're set.
no and there probably wont be
Torva set
It all depends on what your training on and what you use. For low level players who also have a low defence I would recommend using a one-handed weapon such as a Scimitar or a Longsword, but for players more experienced in defence definitely a 2h sword.