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you have to press ALT and F4

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Q: What is the cheat code for full status on diablo 2?
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How can you refill life using cheat code?

aspirine for full health and preciousprotection for full body armour

Is it possible to disable the full pokedex cheat code?

If you are using an Action Replay or a Game Shark, just delete the code or disable it on the cheat code's menu. If you already have used it in the game, the Pokedex will remain complete even after the cheat's deactivation or deletion.

What is the ulimited heath cheat code on gta 4?

There is no unlimited health code. There is a full health and ammo code: 3625550100.

What is the cheat for full money on Grand Theft Auto san Andreas for PC?

There is no cheat code for full money on gta san andreas, however you can just type in hesoyam about 57 times or more.

How do you get full armor on grand theft auto vice city stories on psp?

Use a cheat code.

Is there a cheat or code to get in a full server on zwinky?

Not that I know of, but when all the servers are full, I just find a friend that's in that server and join their location. <3 kitty =^.^=

What is the cheat code for infinite health on Gta 4 for PC?

there is none but geting full health type in 482 555 0100

What is the Phoenix cheat code for a calculator?

press trans on weapon updates page and you have full health, all the weapons, a helper, and upgrade.

What is the action replay cheat code of a complete national dex in Pokemon platinum please give me the shortest code for completing the national dex?

I Belvia there is no cheat like 100% full protege's, that cheat is for diamond and pearl.Believe or not, this is me who posted this question in public, hey I saw all platinum cheat codes for completing the national proteges and they were too long, maybe there is another shorter code for completing the national DEC, please tell me the shortest code for that, good luck.PA'S.this cheat dint work be live me iv triedOk, I've got nothin to do now!

Cheat that lets you have a full Sinnoh pokedex?

Action Replay code:94000130 fcfb0000b21c4d28 00000000b0000004 00000000e000154c 00000124ffffffff ffffffffEnter this as an action replay code and it will give you a 100% finished dex.