To unblock the outer door and enter the ship, climb up the ship at the rear (left side) and jump to the top. Push the ice rock off the top onto the one blocking the door.
To unlock the automatically-locked cabin doors, go up the stairway that leads to the bridge. Talk to the captain, and he will tell you about the door controls. Push the level and all the doors will unlock. Now you can enter Cabin 6 and rescue the first passenger.
it is 2014
There are no doors to the game shows
Use the heat vision goggles to see the finger marks, and press 2014.
I have no idea. But try putting in all the possible number combination's.
You have to do a code for the door to open
It's on the too of the club
it is 2336674345 hope it helps
Go on Youtube, its easy.
it leads to the door on the outside of the club
2 0 1 4 is the anser
Just go on YouTube and you might get even more info.