yes there is. open the gardevior folder and look for a notepad picture that should be your def file.
In the Characters Folders
get the download file
To get an amalgam comic character into MUGEN, you would first need to create or download a compatible character file in the appropriate format (usually .def and .sff files). Once you have the necessary files, you can then add the character to the MUGEN roster by editing the select.def file and adding the character's information. Finally, place the character files in the correct directories within the MUGEN system folders to make the character playable.
first... you get tha ending file (def, sff and mp3 or midi, etc)now you open your charactr DEF, look for arcadeand write the name of the ending file for example....introstoryboard =endingstoryboard = data/capend/ending.defy put the espeificationof the ending file if you need to put the ending for more than 1 char..... or put the ending file into the character carpet if the ending is just for this char like this....endingstoryboard = ending.def
There are many mugen screenpacks . Most of which you can get at or . when you find the one you want download from authors site and unzip to your mugen folder.there you go! NOTE: backup your select.def file before unzipping so you can add easier. :)
Just double click. It's an executable file.
Do you mean MUGEN the game? NO, it does not. I have it on my computer, it works fine and it rly fun! It might have a virus if you downloaded it from an unknown site. To check to see if the program you downloaded has a virus, download AVG from and scan the file with it. If it is a virus, then delete it and next time download Mugen from
when you get it unzip it to your mugen folder. if it needs to replace the data folder backup your select.def file before to make adding easier hope this helps :)
PRE 14A : Preliminary Proxy Statement not related to a contested matter or merger/acquisition. It is filed by company before filing of DEF 14A. Some companies only file PRE 14A. They file PRE 14A if DEF 14A may takes time to file. DEF 14A: Definitive Proxy Statements. It contains full information. Every company should file DEF 14A.
Ralts evolves unto Kirlia at lvl 20, and evolves into GARDEVOIR if Kirlia's DEF is higher than it's ATK, and GALLADE if Kirlia's ATK is higher than it's DEF.
on www.marat's mugen archive there should be a robotnik boss pack and a sonic character pack and on mugen masters there should be a sonic battle pack but no super sonic. www.marat's mugen archive there should be a robotnik boss pack and a sonic pack and on mugen master's there should be every character for sonic battle.