Mario galaxy is easy and stupid and esey Mario forever is for guy people who like eating ham sandwich's under a bridge
Mario Construter Forever has a lots of items then Mario Worker
well super Mario galaxy 1 doesnt have Yoshi and super Mario galaxy 2 does.super Mario galaxy 2 has an icon for rossalina when you get 240 stars. super Mario galaxy 2 has coment medals which you get in the gane in all the galaxys super Mario galxy 1 you can play as Mario and lugi but in order to play as lugi you have to get 120 stars as Mario and in super Mario galaxy 2 you can play as luigi after you beat tall trunk galaky.
sadly. no. at least in Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. you have a meter in that game that tells you how much longer you have. as soon as it runs out, you start to lose life.
super Mario galaxy 2
yes in super Mario galaxy 2 you get gobbbbleguut
No, there are no cheats in Super Mario Galaxy.
Find out for yourself
Mario Galaxy 2 has been out for months.
Super Mario Galaxy happened in 2007.
As long as Miyamoto lives, Mario will live. actually their making a new Mario galaxy called [suprise suprise] Mario galaxy 2
There's no Super Mario Galaxy 3.