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The 250 GB model is a little older and needs to be updated before it has the PS3 move update and maybe even some other updates like 3 D capability, but it can be updated. It also has a larger harddrive than the 160 GB model. The 250 GB PS3 model was replaced by the 320 GB PS3. The 120 GB PS3 model was replaced by the 160 GB model. Once updated the consoles all have the same capabilities except for the size harddrive.

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14y ago
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13y ago

The harddrive size is twice a large on the 320 GB model and it costs $50 more. The 320 GB model currently has the largest harddrive of a production model At some point both models will stop production and the 250 GB and 500 GB harddrives will be used for the PS3 models

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14y ago

80 GB has twice the memory. If you are thinking of looks the trim on the 80 GB is silver and the 40GB is grey. Hope that helped!

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15y ago

The hard drive size (and the price) is the only difference.

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14y ago

The size of the hard drive is the only difference. That is the reason it is $50 more.

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Q: What is the difference between a 40Gb PS3 and a 80Gb PS3?
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What is the difference of a PS3 40gb and a PS3 80gb?

More memory, that's all.

Is the 40gb PS3 better or the 80 gb PS3?

80GB. The only difference between the two are the hard drive capacities.

Which is better PS3 40gb or PS3 80gb?

ps3 80 gb.

Can you put a PS3 40GB mother board in a 80GB shell?


Is 80GB for the PS3 enough?

It is a lot of space..I have many ps3 games installed and i still have 40gb i think is cool

Can ps2 games be play on the PS3?

Only on the 1st generation of the PS3 which is 80GB, you can't play them on the 40GB one though

Is the PS3 model?

40gb, 60gb, 80gb, 120gb, 250gb, also can be upgraded to 320gb at sony centers.

Will playstation move work with all models of the ps3?

Yes. All models, 40gb, 60gb, 80gb, 120gb, 250gb!

Does the 80GB PS3 have wifi?

Yes - the only differences between it and the 40GB version is the extra hard-drive space, and the fact that they generally come with the Dualshock 3, with built-in rumble.

Can Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 play on playstation 3?

It depends on what version of the ps3 you use. the 20gb, 60gb and old 80gb versions can play ps2 games, but the 40gb, new 80gb and 160gb versions can't.

Can PlayStation 2 games be used on a 40gb PlayStation 3?

40GB, 80GB, or 160GB PS3s can not play PS2 games. NO MATTER WHAT. Do not listen to anyone that says they can play them. On the other hand, 20GB and 60GB PS3s can play them. Actually all ps3s can play ps2 games on them no matter what the gb. I have a 40gb ps3 and i play ps3 games on it all the time. But you have to go to the playstation store and download the free ps2 content to play ps2 games on a ps3.

How do you know if your PS3 is 80GB?

by the model number and not all PS3 80GB have the same model