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Just put it on demolition 1 life have two controllers put 10 mins extra time as 5 and at the start plant a on rust let it blow for extra time and go to b and plant. Then use your other controlller to defuse. (plant and defuse time at 1 second) keep doin that it only takes 1-3 hours for 70

Just go on options and put unlimated lifes and unlimated time limit then the map you want is ternimal then choose your gun and keep killing because there lined up so you just keep killing and getting headshots put you need 2 remotes or 3 gets you all camos on any wepons you want thanks Viocity Pure

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Q: What is the easiest way to level up in MW2 split screen?
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Nope sorry to inform you but there is no 2 player online. but there is split screen but that's not online

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No. You can do split screen agaisnt friends though, and in spec ops. But not in XBL or PSN

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You can actually prestige on Mw2 whether it's split-screen or online multiplayer. You might of just picked up on some info that was wrong.

Is split screen ranks different from Xbox live ranks on MW2?

no u can go form 1-70 like normal

How do you get a free care package in mw2?

u get 4 kills in a row or u do the care package glitch wich is already patched but it works only in split screen

What lval to prosge in MW2?

if u mean what level u have to be to prestige in mw2 the answer is level 70

What is the easiest way to win MW2 Gamebattles?

Don't suck.

What is the easiest way to get dictator in mw2?

Join a boosting lobby.

How do you get in MW2 the just getting started acolade?

Go into a Split-screen match and end the game with no kills. In might also be a PVT. match, but it takes only a few seconds to do.