

Best Answer

The first Splinter Cell was simply called "Splinter Cell."

Here is a list of the other Splinter Cell games made in order of release date.

Splinter Cell

Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Splinter Cell Double Agent


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Q: What is the first splinter cell called?
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What is the order of the splinter cell series?

The first one was Splinter Cell. The second one was Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. The third one was Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. The fourth one was Splinter Cell: Double Agent. And the fifth one was Splinter Cell: Conviction

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there is an 80% chance there will be,. Go to to find out more. they have beeen giving hints about one.

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yes it is the last splinter cell (i think)

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Because the makers of Splinter Cell are stupid. Get Splinter Cell: Conviction its awesome.

How many Splinter Cell games are there?

There are 6 Splinter Cell games.

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To me, I think the hardest are the first three.

How many splinter cell books are there?

500845637469324782014937246. That's how many splinter cell books there are.

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There is eleven missions in splinter cell conviction

How many levels are there in splinter cell conviction?

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