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Q: What is the guy on Pokemon Crystal blocking on the pier?
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How do you make the guy move at the pier in olivine city Pokemon crystal?

You can't until you have the S.S.Ticket, which you get after you beat the Elite Four in Kanto.

How do you get past that guy blocking a tunnel in victory in Pokemon platinum?

No you cant

Can you get to liberity pier on Pokemon black?

With the damned liberty ticket event. Go to the leftmost pier. The guy next to the blue boat will take you. I think.

Where is the guy blocking your way to get to route 224 in Pokemon platinum?

he is in victory road.

How do you get to Mount Silver in Pokemon Soul Silver?

go to the Pokemon league. there is a room where a guy "checks" to see if you have all 8 badges. in that room, there are these 2 guys blocking two paths. the guy on the left is blocking mt.silver

Where is the guy blocking the path in the cave in Pokemon Diamond?

The guy blocking the cave is Cyrus and he is in spear pillar after you meet him the first time but you need 7 badges to get to spear pillar

How do you get a silver feather in Pokemon Crystal?

talk to a guy in viridian city

How do you get nightmare in Pokemon Crystal?

some guy gives it to you if you give him mail

How do you make that guy move that is blocking the way in Pokemon?

If you're talking about the guy blocking the path to Sunyshore city in diamond and pearl, you have to defeat Team Galactica at the top of the mountain, beat palkia, etc. After that the guy is gone.

Who is bill in Pokemon Crystal?

In Pokemon crystall Bill is the guy who makes the PC system and also likes rare Pokemon

How do you get past the 2 guy blocking your way to survival area in Pokemon diamond?

get the national pokedex

What do you have to do to make the guy blocking the Pokemon league move in diamond?

You have to get all eight gym badges