Which FF? xD
In X-2, the hardest is that -bleeeep- on the last floor of the Via Infinito or whatever it's called. I haven't played the game in years, but I remember that boss was a -bleeeep-. I don't think I ever beat it...
Ozma is the hardest boss in the game
Final Fantasy VI's boss theme is called Decisive Battle.
Yu Yevon.
As this question is kind of vague, I'll answer the two I can think of this question meaning:1. The first boss in any final fantasy game is Garland, who you fight at the very beginning of Final Fantasy 1.2. The first final boss in any final fantasy is Chaos, whom you have to destroy at the very end of the first FF.
you fight it
The hardest boss is vercinetrox, he is 15 million hp. There is also the long guai he has 16 million but hes not as hard as vercinetrox
yes he is the final boss you have to face.
the canyons the hardest part
The name of the last boss is Zeromus, an entity created out of Zemus' hate.
Marilith or Kary (name depends on version)
you have to use tidus to talk to him and then hit him with aeon blasts