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lmao hey lee it's nahid, the highest lvl is 138 and btw u need to get your mellee stats too 99 and on free to play max is 126 because summoning lvls give u lvl ups too and on free to play summoning is members skill

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14y ago
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15y ago

the highest level you can be is 138

the highest npc is level 785


that is wrong, i few days ago i seen a level 142 guy, non computer


That could be a moderator the person is a hacker because how do you play runescape not on a computer or laptop.

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13y ago

no that was updated later on it is now 99 and u will go to the tuter of that skill he/she will give u the cape u wear it and ther u gain the emote that's it u have mastery but if ur talking combat lv its 138

hope this helped


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13y ago

138 is the Highest level Possible. No One is the Highest level, Sorry to burst your bubble.

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15y ago

the best u can get for free users is 126 the best for members is 138

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16y ago

The highest level you could get to is level 138 as far as I know.

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14y ago

146 i beleive

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14y ago

138 in combat. 99 in skills.

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15y ago

Level 138, This is due to 99 Summoning.

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Q: What is the highest level you can get in Rune Scape?
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