lmao hey lee it's nahid, the highest lvl is 138 and btw u need to get your mellee stats too 99 and on free to play max is 126 because summoning lvls give u lvl ups too and on free to play summoning is members skill
Its the revenant knight it's level 126 and can hit up to 30 in f2p
By fighting.
cockroach soldiers are level 83.
you'll have to become clearer do you mean summoning level or combat level? but for summoning this is the highest answer is when you get 14 summoning it will start growing faster.
You have to be a member, and have enough agility level.
You have to have the required woodcutting level and a hatchet
on a snow mobile the whole level!
You must continue training on one skill, using the highest weapon and amour closest to what your level reaches. Also, try training on monsters near you level.
rune longsword, using stab, elvarg is weak agasint stab and rune long has the highest stab att in f2p
lust below your inventory there are 2 crossed swords click that
Fight monsters near the volcano. Level 60+ is recommended.