117 Uncle Scallops the Cranky Codfather [Sploshlings] Rare: Season 3 Super Moshi Mission 4: The Great Moshi Treasure Hunt: The Secret Treasure of Potion Ocean
one is in the dance at sludge street !
The secret message is :GIANTEGGY88
To get Wurley the Moshling, you need to complete Super Moshi Mission 2. You need to be a Moshi Member in order to complete the mission. 105: *Wurley the Twirly Tiddlycopter [Techies] Ultra Rare: Super Moshi Mission 2: Voyage Under Potion Ocean You go to the volcano and become a super moshi by completing a scavenger hunt. Then, you complete the second mission on the list called Voyage Under Potion Ocean. You get Wurley as a prize.
You should check the Daily Growl for information on any future Moshi Monsters updates. Just go to the Moshi Monsters website and click News at the top.
go to candy cane land
The second egg is on Blerg Beach
she is so cool she is on moshi monsters she is named imogen168592. she goes to greenwith primary school in SA Australia. if you are on moshi monsters add her NOW she will hunt you down .she likes you <3 =)
GIANTEGGY88 (expired)
In 2012, they are: -Underground disco -Bleurgh Beach -Candy Caves
The second egg is in the candy caves or bleurgh beach.
in the UNDER GROUND DISCOand another one in THE BEACHand dont forget THE CANDY CAVEShope i helped please add me my name is shelana2000