Aage Dons's birth name is Aage Bergishagen Dons.
The MK Dons are the football team who used to be Wimbledon FC, when Wimbledon lost their ground they moved to Milton Keynes hence the name MK Dons
luxray is the best electric Pokemon in 4th generation
Roberto Font's birth name is Roberto Font Dons.
Dons, meaning to "put on" as in clothes or "assume or take on" as in mannerisms. "She dons a scarf to go out on windy days" or "He dons an attitude of calm"
Ground Pokemon can defeat electric Pokemon.
an electric pokemon have a static ability can attract a electric pokemon.
i have Pokemon white, its zekrom electric dragon 2nd in ranking of 649 Pokemon of all games.
no pokemon can beat arceus arceus is a pokemon of hell his weakness is electrec no pkemon can beat hell.
I haven't played in a while Roton i think his name is? He is a electric pokemon that looks like a bobber
Erik Dons died in 2002.
The Dons of Necropolis was created in 2006.