In Online play- Get a couple of heroes, rush them and take out resource producing buildings. Heroes get lots of exp from buildings between levels 1-3.
On Hogan's Heroes, Newkirk is a corporal.
On Hogan's Heroes, Kinchloe is a sergeant.
LeBeau is a corporal on Hogan's Heroes.
Me -_-
On Hogan's Heroes, Klink is a colonel and kommandant of Stalag 13.
you unlock super hard
You get at least one of your heroes to get to rank 6, and then chose capture the flag and the map "lunar base" at the server selection. You can only select a server/ game if at least one of your heroes is rank 6.
the older tetris battle has only upto rank 50. But now it is already upt to rank 100 ^_^
in y tetris battle 2p,y rank is rank 14,or leader,battle 6p, rank 8 or achiever, but in tetris arena, sprint 4p and tetris marathon and sprint are rank 1. the total rank names in tetris battle is 100. the first, tenderfoot and newbie, third, rookie,eighth, achiever,eleventh,intermediate, twelfth, hotshot,thirteenth,captain and rank 14 is the LEADER.
You need the Master *** Rank.
To get the Rank 2 Battle Bee blueprint you need to trade Bartlebee 2 Better Bees.
You just battle and win a lot then later you will I recommend battle coliseum because i did that and i am rank s+