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934P2CD4 for a Riolue male and female.

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Q: What is the riolu mystery gift code for ptd2?
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How do you evolve riolu in ptd2?

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Can you get a Porygon2 in ptd?

No, but you could get porygon2 in PTD2, but you have to wait until you could be able to transfer pokemon from PTD to PTD2, and you need the dubious disc to be able to evolve Porygon into Porygon2 in PTD2!

Where to find king's rock in ptd2?

cach a slowpoke that has an item

When can you teach TM's in ptd2?

when ur done losing after getting a life

Can you catch shadow Pokemon in PTD2?

lucky for you if you go to the first route and talk to the girl there will be a pop up saying 'SHADOW POKEMON CATCH WITH ANY POKEBALL!' and that's a free shadow Pokemon!

How do you get past the police in ptd2?

anything yo haven't beaten or done should be done.After you've beat one thing come over to one, press z, and see if you battle him after he's done talking. After you beat him, he'll still be there for if you want to battle him but if you've saved beating him, you can walk right past him. If you've beat everything, just wait. Sometimes Sam just hasn't finished that part yet.

How do you git a shining Squirtle?

I doubt you can get a shadow starter, but apparently the breeding function (not sure if in PTD or PTD2) has a chance of making the offspring shiny or shadow. The chance increases if one of the parents is shiny or shadow, respectively.

How do you poke battle the ploice in Pokemon td 2 to get to the ruines?

You can't! I was wondering the same thing a while ago until I did some research and found out that Sam, (the owner of PTD and PTD2...) has not yet finished making the ruins of alph or anything else for that matter. So I sugest you just train your pokemon to an epic high level and be patient for Sam to make the ruins of alph. Good Luck!