In Peter Pan, disbelief in fairies caused them pain and death.
In many other stories, iron and steel also made the fairies weaker, the closer you are, the deadlier, the further you are, the less it affects them.
Fire and Flying i think
Fight, fire and rock type moves.
Fire type weaknesses is water,rock,and ground,
Electric, fire, steel, rock and poison.
Bug Pokemon are weak against: Fire type moves, Rock Type moves and Flying Type moves.
fire type is weak against palkia it is a water and dragon type Pokemon
Mostly fire element's weaknesses are Water and Ice.....BUT...on some fire type Pokemon's Weaknesses also include Psychic.....Happy Training you Pokemons!
Go out side and make some friends
Grass type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Fire, Poison, Bug and Flying.
rock,fire,stell and elecrtic type and that is all i know but i will find more.
The weakness of electric type Pokemon is ground type Pokemon.
It's weak to ground, fire, water and fighting types.