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It starts off as Zeus cheating on Hera. Echo tells Hera a lie so Hera will not discover he was cheating. Zeus gives Echo a gift thanking her , but Hera finds out. So Hera casts a spell on Echo so she can only repeat what others say. Narcissus happened to be in the woods at the time and he was so beautiful Echo fell in love with him. Narcissus did not like echo because she would only repeat what he said and got annoyed. Echo heartbroken prayed to Aphrodite the Goddess of Love who took pity on Echo. She had Narcissus fall in love with him self with a reflection in the water, Narcissus believing that it was a water Nymph stayed at the water trying to coax her out. Turning into a flower. Aphrodite let Echo rest in peace but couldn't bear to lose the sound of Echo's voice so she kept it whispering in the wind.

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The accented syllable in "narcissism" is the first syllable, which is "nar."

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I would imagine a great deal. Narcissism is an epidemic and it is global.

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Narcissism is not a sex-differentiated term. A male can be a narcissist, a female can be a narcissist.

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When a person displays extreme narcissism they are extremely difficult to get along with in every day life.When a person displays extreme narcissism they are extremely difficult to get along with in every day life.When a person displays extreme narcissism they are extremely difficult to get along with in every day life.When a person displays extreme narcissism they are extremely difficult to get along with in every day life.

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